
20 soldiers, civilian killed in attack on Niger security forces near Burkina Faso border


Twenty soldiers and a civilian were tragically killed in an assault in western Niger near the border with Burkina Faso, as reported by Niger’s defense ministry.

The incident occurred on Tuesday near Tassia village in Tillaberi region, according to a statement broadcast on state television.

The ministry attributed the attack to a coalition of armed groups, noting that nine individuals were also injured and two vehicles were damaged.

The ministry’s statement highlighted that the soldiers had engaged and neutralized many militants while defending themselves during the assault.

Search operations are ongoing to apprehend the remaining perpetrators involved in the attack.

Earlier in March, the same insurgency-prone Tillaberi region witnessed the loss of at least 23 Nigerien soldiers in a similar incident.


The Islamic State claimed responsibility for that attack.

Niger, alongside other West African nations, continues to grapple with Islamist insurgencies originating from Mali over the past 12 years.

These conflicts have resulted in significant casualties and displacement across the region.



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