
Public Share Views On Ban On Celebrities From Endorsing and Advertising Alcoholic Beverages

In 2015, the Food and Drugs Authority enforced a directive to regulate the use of alcohol among Ghanaians.

Aspects of their guidelines prevent celebrities from advertising alcoholic beverages.

The Authority had explained that due to the influential nature of these showbiz personalities, alcohol advertisements could push minors into alcoholism.

On November 11, 2022, Mark Darlington Osae, Manager of Reggie, Bollie, and Screw Face, filed a writ at the Supreme Court, describing the FDA’s 2015 regulations against alcoholic advertisements by celebrities as discriminatory against the creative art industry.

The writ indicates that the FDA directive, which directs that no well-known personality or professional should be used in alcoholic beverage advertising, is inconsistent with and in contravention of Articles 17(1) and 17(2) of the 1992 Constitution.

After the ruling today, the FDA director for legal and corporate affairs, Joseph Bennie, said the FDA is available to further discuss with the representatives of the celebrities on the way forward.

Ofoli Yartey who represented the Plaintiffs said although they do not agree with the outcome, they will accept it.

The full ruling is expected to be made public on Friday, June 21.

Some members of the public in the Metropolis sharing their views on the ban with Beach Newsroom said the ruling by the court is a step in the right direction as these celebrities serve as role models to the youth in the country.


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