
Taxing President’s Salary; Public Expresses Satisfaction

Following a proposal by the constitutional review consultative committee for the President to pay tax on his salary and emoluments, some public members have expressed various views on the subject.

According to the committee, the president paying taxes on his salary and emoluments would serve as an example to the rest of the citizenry.

This change would also reflect the principle before the law and align with the rule of law.

They posit that Article 68(5), which exempts the president from paying income tax, should be amended.

Amending this provision will necessitate the necessary consequential amendments to the country’s income tax law.

The public maintained that the proposal is a step in the right direction and will augment the nation’s revenue generation.

“I think it’s very important because if the president pays tax on his salary, it will encourage the citizens to follow.

Some people already do not want to pay, but knowing that the President pays will let them pay too.”

“I believe it is good that he pays because we all know the benefits of paying taxes. He also paying will help to appreciate the revenue generation level.”

It is okay if the president pays taxes, as he benefits from them too. For example, the fuel in his vehicle is bought with taxes paid by indigenous people. Once he’s working, he is taxable as well.

Similarly, a Constitution lawyer, Paul Kumi, said that a small country like Ghana does not need a lot of ministers because it drains the country’s purse.


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