
Porter in Court over defilement

A 39-year-old porter who allegedly had sex with a minor after offering her a soft drink at Danfa in Accra has appeared before an Adentan Circuit Court.

Issah Seidu, charged with defilement, pleaded not guilty.

The Court, presided over by Mrs. Sedinam Awo Kwadam, admitted Seidu, who was without counsel, bail in the sum of GHC 100,000 with three sureties, one to be justified.

The court ordered the prosecution to file disclosures and serve the same on the accused person.

The Court, in its prohibition order, asked Seidu to stay 50 meters away from the victim.

According to the court, Seidu should have “no contact” with the victim.

The matter has been adjourned to July 25, 2024.

The prosecution, led by Chief Inspector Alberta Graham, told the Court that the complainant was a 42-year-old driver residing in Danda.

The prosecution said the victim, aged 11, was a fifth-grade pupil.

It said Seidu resided in the same neighbourhood as the victim and the complainant.

The Court was told that on May 6, 2024, at about 4:00 pm, the victim had to attend to nature’s call and while returning, Seidu called and offered her a soft drink.

Soon after taking the drink, the prosecution said the victim felt drowsy and weak, and Seidu allegedly carried her into his room and forcefully had sexual intercourse with her.

The prosecutor said that when the victim gained consciousness, she reported her ordeal to her mother, who also informed the complainant.

According to the prosecution, the complainant went to the scene, single-handedly arrested Seidu, and escorted him to the Adoteiman Police Station.

At the police station, the prosecution said the complainant was given a medical report form to seek medical assistance for the victim at any government hospital.

It said Seidu was admitted to police inquiry bail by the Adoteiman Police while the matter was handed over to the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit, Adenta, on May 8, 2024.

Source: GNA


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