
John Mahama vows to scrap “wasteful” gov’t projects, including ‘one village, one dam’

John Mahama has pledged to dismantle several government initiatives he considers wasteful, notably the 'One Village, One Dam' program.

John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has pledged to dismantle several government initiatives he considers wasteful, notably the ‘One Village, One Dam’ program.

Announcing his plans, John Mahama asserted that redirecting funds from these projects would allow for substantial investments in ventures that can stimulate economic growth and generate significant revenue.

The former president underscored the importance of strategic financial decisions and fiscal discipline amid the nation’s ongoing economic challenges. He criticized the current administration for its failure to reduce government expenditure, focusing solely on revenue generation without addressing financial inefficiencies.

Mr Mahama promised that if he wins the upcoming December 7 general elections, he will eliminate wasteful projects and reallocate funds to more productive sectors.

“This government made many mistakes and we find ourselves in this crisis again and we need to cut down expenditure. This government is not willing to cut expenditure. In a crisis, you slash expenditure and increase revenues.

“All they are doing is increasing revenues but without reducing expenditure. We are going to eliminate all those wasteful projects; One Village, One Dam and all those things that they spent billions on so that we can use that money in the more productive sectors to make the economy grow again. Like Planting for Food and Jobs.”


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