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Deputy works minister, Dr Prince Armah tours Central and Western regions to inspect sea defence projects

Dep. Minister for Works and Housing, paid a visit to inspect ongoing sea defence projects in coastal districts within the Central and Western

Deputy Minister for Works and Housing, Dr. Prince Hamid Armah, conducted a working visit on Saturday, June 15, 2024, to inspect ongoing sea defence projects in several coastal districts within the Central and Western Regions.

The tour included Anomabo, Komenda, Elmina, Axim, Dixcove, and Aboadze, where Dr. Prince H. Armah assessed the progress of coastal line works, noting that three projects are nearing completion at 95%.

At Axim, he highlighted the impending commissioning and operationalization of the fishing harbour, stating that discussions are underway with the Ministry of Transport to expedite the process. Dr. Armah emphasized the government’s commitment to the welfare of the people, mentioning that approximately 270km of sea defence projects remain to be completed along the country’s coastline.

“We have been to Anomabo, Komenda, Elmina, Axim, Dixcove, and Aboadze to inspect all ongoing coastal line works. Three out of the ongoing projects are at 95% completion level. At Axim, we are yet to commission and operationalize the fishing harbour but we are in talks with the transport ministry to see how best to go about it. Our government is here for the people and to bring respite to the people and these are some of the things we are doing. We have about 270km more to complete all sea defence projects across the coastal lines of the country.”

Madam Catherine Afeku, the NPP parliamentary candidate for Evalue-Ajomoro constituency, spoke to Beach FM during the Deputy Minister’s visit to the Axim Fishing Harbour. She acknowledged the long-standing challenges faced by the community, recalling President Akufo-Addo’s sod-cutting ceremony in 2019. She praised the progress made by the contractor, MPH, but stressed the urgency of completing the remaining work to prevent further boat capsizes and fatalities due to strong waves.

“This has always been a challenge, that’s why in 2019 President Akufo-Addo flew from China to Axim to cut the sod, and the company [MPH] has done very well. We are only left with a small portion of work to be done; both sector ministers –Kojo Oppong Nkrumah and Dr Prince Hamid Armah have come to see it for themselves and they’ve assured us at that since it is at PPA, we will see the commencement of the work that was truncated for the fishing harbour.”

“Boats capsize due to the strong waves. Since works here haven’t been completed, the boats capsize and there’s been lots of drowning –just yesterday, a boat cracked, a fatality was recorded. The boat owner is saddened. This is a challenge and a daily occurrence, so we want to have this resolved with the expediency that the Minister has given us”, she added.

Addressing these concerns, Dr. Prince Armah expressed satisfaction with the quality of the ongoing work and assured that the extension of the project is in progress. He confirmed that all necessary processes for awarding the contract have been completed, and the documentation is currently awaiting approval from the Public Procurement Authority (PPA). Once approved, the project will recommence, aiming for timely completion to alleviate the challenges faced by the local fishing community.

“That issue has to do with the extension of the project. We have competed all the processes that will lead to the award of contract and as we speak now the documentations are at the PPA awaiting approval and once it is given commencement will be issued and they’ll come on site. What we want is for them to be able to complete the project on time, their work is satisfactory to me.”

Dr. Armah reiterated the government’s dedication to bringing relief and safety to coastal residents through these critical infrastructure projects.


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