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Ghana set to reintroduce road tolls to fund maintenance -Ministry of Roads

The Ministry of Roads and Highways has initiated consultations with key stakeholders to finalize plans for reinstating road tolls.

The Ministry of Roads and Highways has initiated consultations with key stakeholders to finalize plans for reinstating road tolls.

Sector Minister Francis Asenso-Boakye emphasized the necessity of reintroducing tolls to finance the repair of the country’s deteriorating roads.

In November 2021, the Ministry of Roads ceased toll collection nationwide to alleviate traffic congestion and in anticipation of the e-levy. However, this move received mixed reactions.

Mr. Asenso-Boakye explained that road maintenance requires substantial funding, which many countries generate through toll collection.

“[Road] maintenance also means money. In many countries, they use the tolls that they collect from road tolls to finance maintenance. But in our case, we have suspended it, and I think it is a good time for us to start the discussion to bring these road tolls back and get money to maintain our roads.

“That is very important, and we have started the process by engaging the various stakeholders to get their buy-in to make sure that we bring the road tolls back.”


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