
We aren’t using state machinery to intimidate NDC supporters – NPP

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has refuted claims suggesting the use of state machinery to intimidate supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) during the ongoing voter transfer exercise.

Samuel Kofi Abiaw, the research and electoral officer for the NPP in the western north region, addressed the allegations, emphasizing the party’s commitment to a fair and transparent electoral process.

Samuel Kofi Abiaw dismissed accusations of employing security agencies to intimidate NDC supporters, asserting that the NPP has instead focused on upholding the law and ensuring a smooth transfer process.

He highlighted instances where the NDC allegedly resorted to employing thugs, but emphasized the NPP’s refusal to engage in such tactics.

“It’s not true we are using state machinery and thugs to intimidate the NDC,” Abiaw stated firmly, urging Ghanaians to reject falsehoods aimed at discrediting the NPP.

He emphasized the party’s stance on unlawful behaviour, affirming that they would not shield anyone found to be acting unlawfully, regardless of their political affiliation.

Samuel Kofi Abiaw commended the regional security council for its prompt response to any challenges encountered during the exercise, emphasizing the importance of maintaining law and order at Electoral Commission (EC) offices.

He urged individuals without legitimate business at EC offices to refrain from causing disruptions, emphasizing the need for compliance with the laws governing the transfer process.

Responding to allegations of favouritism towards the NPP by the EC, Samuel Kofi Abiaw urged Ghanaians to disregard such misinformation, emphasizing the impartiality of the EC in carrying out its mandate.

Samuel Kofi Abiaw called on the people of the western north region to recognize the achievements of the NPP government and show their support by voting for the party in the upcoming December 7th elections.

He expressed confidence in the electorate’s appreciation of the government’s efforts and anticipated their continued support at the polls.



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