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Bawumia pledges living allowances for chiefs and queen mothers if elected president


The New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) flagbearer, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, has pledged to provide living allowances to paramount and divisional chiefs, as well as queen mothers, if he is elected president.

He believes this initiative will empower traditional authorities to support the government’s efforts more effectively.

Dr. Bawumia emphasized that his administration would offer the necessary financial support to traditional leaders to enhance their contributions to national development.

During a meeting with members of the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs on Monday, he announced plans to amend section 63 (D) of the Chieftaincy Act to enable chiefs to assist the government in governance.

He stressed that empowering chiefs requires more than legislative changes; it also involves providing financial resources to their palaces.

Without adequate funding, he argued, chiefs cannot fulfill their roles effectively. Dr. Bawumia revealed that his manifesto team has proposed paying living allowances not only to paramount chiefs but also to divisional chiefs and queen mothers, aiming to create a fully empowered chieftaincy institution to support the government.


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