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NPP refutes allegations of unauthorized vote transfer of soldiers to Effutu


The New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Effutu constituency of the Central region has denied allegations made by the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The NDC claims that Majority Leader and incumbent MP Alexander Afenyo-Markin has brought in 71 soldiers from outside the constituency to transfer their votes to Effutu.

NDC has accused the NPP of busing in individuals from outside Effutu to transfer votes and cause disruptions during the process.

In response, the NPP has dismissed these claims as baseless and challenged the NDC to provide evidence to support their allegations.

The NPP has instead accused the NDC leadership of attempting to destabilize the vote transfer process and intimidate potential voters.

Speaking at a press conference, NPP Communications Officer Ellis Otabil clarified that only local residents, students, and transferred workers are transferring their votes to Effutu.

Ellis Otabil clarified that those transferring their votes to Winneba are either local residents, natives of Effutu, students, or workers who have been relocated to Winneba.

He emphasized that it is baseless to claim that these individuals cannot transfer their votes to participate in democratic elections.

He further warned the NDC against voter intimidation, emphasizing the NPP’s commitment to ensuring a fair process.

The NPP has noted that the NDC in the Central Region appears to be coordinating efforts to intimidate potential voters who are transferring their votes to various constituencies for the 2024 general election.

The NPP issued a strong warning to the NDC, stating that they cannot intimidate anyone in Effutu or resort to violence.

NPP stands firm in defending the rights of voters and ensuring a democratic process free from intimidation.


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