
Three arrested in Paris after coffins found near Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

French police arrested three individuals on Monday after discovering five empty coffins wrapped in French flags near the Eiffel Tower, with the words “French soldiers from Ukraine” inscribed on them.

Public prosecutors are seeking charges of premeditated violence against the three suspects, who are from Bulgaria, Germany, and Ukraine and are all below the age of 30.

Authorities characterized the act of leaving coffins at the Eiffel Tower as a form of psychological violence.

This incident comes amid France’s potential plans to deploy military trainers to Ukraine, a move that has faced concerns from some allies and criticism from Russia.

According to reports, the three arrested individuals had connections to a person suspected of vandalizing the Paris Shoah Memorial with red hands in May.

In a separate incident, French prosecutors are investigating whether two Moldovans, who confessed to painting Stars of David on Parisian properties, were acting under foreign direction.

The prosecutor’s office indicated that foreign communication, possibly in Russian, occurred with the Moldovans, raising questions about external influence on such acts in France.



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