
“Why do they think polygamy is bad?” -Ga Mantse questions western stance on polygamy, deems LGBTQ+ an “affront”

Ga Mantse, King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, has expressed that LGBTQ+ activities are an "affront" to him, despite his inclusive love for all...

Ga Mantse, King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, has expressed that LGBTQ+ activities are an “affront” to him, despite his inclusive love for all his subjects.

In an exclusive interview with Citi News’ Fred Duhoe, the Ga ruler, who identifies as both a Christian and a traditionalist, questioned why Western countries promote same-sex relationships while condemning polygamy.

“I believe the West should promote polygamy. Why do they promote same-sex relationships and think polygamy is bad?” he remarked.

When asked whether President Akufo-Addo should sign the anti-LGBTQ+ bill into law, King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II responded that the issue does not merit his attention. The anti-LGBTQ+ bill, which has stirred significant controversy and legal battles, is currently before the Supreme Court of Ghana following its passage by Parliament.

The Ga Mantse emphasized his stance that people’s personal preferences should not be a matter of public concern. “I love everybody,” he reiterated, urging promoters of LGBTQ+ rights to consider the issue of polygamy with equal interest.


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