
Low Standard of Music Affecting The Industry – Future Mix

Takoradi-based audio engineer and artiste manager, Future Mix, has made claims about producers, radio stations, and DJs when it comes to some of our artistes and their kind of music here in the Western Region.

Speaking on Spice FM’s after-drive “Ofie ne fie” with Nana Ama Shancy, he highlighted the fact that Takoradi music is going down the drain because the industry players are mostly not honest and realistic to most artistes.

“We are not telling most of these artistes the truth. We always say our music industry is weak, and this is one of the reasons. We hate to say the truth because we don’t want to be attacked, but we can never grow our industry with this attitude. Most artistes are doing wack music, and we fail to let them know.

It begins with some producers. Because of chicken change, you accept to produce a beat for lyrics that you know deep down is wack”, he fumed.

He further blamed radio stations, presenters, and DJs for dropping their standards all in the name of money.

“I feel radio stations, presenters, and DJs have low standards now. Before, if your songs were wack, you’d be told point-blank and it wouldn’t be played. But now we seem to accept anything and everything, all in the name of money. Things have changed, and this won’t help our industry at all, it’s quite sad,” he lamented.

Future Mix mixed and mastered “Grace” by Amerado ft Lasmid. According to the producer, “Grace’ was recorded while Lasmid was still up and coming.

Author: Nana Ama Shancy

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