
EC Dismisses Officer for Failing to Inspect Ghana Cards During Registration Process

The Electoral Commission (EC) has dismissed a registration officer for failing to physically inspect the Ghana Card of some individual applicants in the Pusiga District Registration Centre on May 13, 2024.

In a statement from the commission, some 17 individuals had used counterfeit Ghana Card numbers during the ongoing voter registration exercise at the aforementioned centre.

Data Entry Clerk observed suspicious Ghana card numbers on 17 registration forms. The data entry clerk notified the district electoral officer accordingly. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the Ghana Card numbers were fake.

It was further discovered that the registration officer was complicit because he did not physically inspect the Ghana cards of individual applicants but rather accepted the fake numbers from party agents who had accompanied the 17 applicants,” EC explained.

However, the implicated registration officer was dismissed and subsequently arrested following a report to the police.

“The Commission would like to warn all its temporary officials that it will not countenance the breach of its electoral laws. Any person found violating the laws of the Commission will be handed over to the police and permanently blacklisted by the Commission,” the commission cautioned.

EC has assured all stakeholders and the general public that the voter registration exercise is being conducted transparently and inclusively.



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