
Slovakia Prime Minister in stable condition after assassination attempt


Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico is reportedly in a stable yet serious condition after sustaining multiple gunshot wounds on Wednesday.

He is currently receiving intensive care following a five-hour surgery, according to statements from the hospital director.

Earlier, the 59-year-old Fico was described as fighting for his life after a severe attack in Handlova.

A suspect was arrested at the scene of the shooting.

Miriam Lapunikova, director of the F. D. Roosevelt University Hospital in Banska Bystrica, where Fico is being treated, stated that his condition “is truly very serious.”

Deputy Prime Minister Tomas Taraba indicated that Fico’s surgery had gone well, expressing optimism about his survival.

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estoka labeled the incident a politically motivated assassination attempt.

Fico, known for his controversial stances on military aid to Ukraine and sanctions on Russia, has been a polarizing figure both domestically and within the EU.

The shooting, condemned widely as an attack on democracy, occurred during a meeting in Handlova, where Fico was surrounded by supporters.

Footage captured the moment of the attack, showing Fico being carried away by security officers after sustaining gunshot wounds to the stomach and arm.

He was swiftly transported to the hospital via air ambulance and underwent extensive surgery.


While police have not officially identified the suspect, unconfirmed reports suggest he may be a 71-year-old writer and political activist.

A video circulating in Slovak media purportedly features the suspect expressing disagreement with government policies.

The shooting took place amid discussions in parliament regarding reforms to Slovakia’s public broadcaster, RTVS, prompting speculation about potential motives.

Deputy Prime Minister Taraba pointed fingers at opposition parties for propagating “false narratives” that may have contributed to the attack.

As Slovakia grapples with the aftermath of the assassination attempt, President Zuzana Caputova condemned the incident, emphasizing the dangers of divisive rhetoric in society.

The state security council and government are scheduled to convene in response to the crisis.



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