
Ghana Chamber of Mines CEO advocates for air transport in Tarkwa to boost mining and economic operations

Sulemanu Koney, CEO of the Ghana Chamber of Mines, has underscored the necessity of air transport infrastructure in Tarkwa...

Sulemanu Koney, the CEO of the Ghana Chamber of Mines, has underscored the necessity of air transport infrastructure in Tarkwa, a pivotal mining hub crucial to Ghana’s economic landscape.

In an exclusive interview with Citi News over the weekend and monitored by Beach News, Mr Koney emphasized the potential benefits that enhanced transportation facilities could bring to businesses operating in the area.

He called for a thorough examination of Tarkwa’s transformation into a prominent city comparable to other renowned urban centers in Ghana, proposing the implementation of multimodal transportation systems, including air travel, as a significant stride towards this goal.

Despite being home to major mining corporations engaged in gold, manganese, and quarry extraction for several years, Tarkwa remains a modest town, lacking the development commensurate with its significant mineral wealth.

Speaking at the 20th Anniversary celebration of the Gold Fields Ghana Foundation in Tarkwa, Sulemanu Koney stressed the imperative of initiating substantive discussions to realize Tarkwa’s potential as a mining city akin to Johannesburg.

Responding to inquiries regarding the mining industry’s impact, particularly the Gold Fields Ghana Foundation’s role in local communities, Mr Koney highlighted their efforts in fostering development where government initiatives have fallen short.

Meanwhile, Abdel-Razak Yakubu, Executive Secretary of the Gold Fields Ghana Foundation, expressed the Foundation’s commitment to furthering its contributions to the education sector, having already invested upwards of 100 million dollars in educational initiatives.


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