Kobby Kyei Calls On GJA To Collaborate With The Bloggers Association

Celebrated Ghanaian, Augustus Koranteng Kyei, popularly known as Kobby Kyei, the man behind the “Polish till You Shine” campaign, is a blogger known for his uniqueness, thought-provoking, and insightful commentary on contemporary issues.
During a visit to the Western Region, Kobby Kyei, in an interview, talks to Kelvin Kofi Danso, host of Sunset Beach on Beach 105.5FM, where he calls on the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA) to collaborate with the Bloggers Association to help regulate the blogging space in Ghana.
Responding to a question on how the Blogging space is regulated, this is what Kobby had to say:
“The GJA should be able to place an element where the new media will be; thus, the digital space will be part of their association, so they will be able to scrutinize the process and the content and ethics of the content we put out there.”
The call comes as a request to help guide the outflow of content when some bloggers are just interested in click baits and churning out fake news rather than promoting positive content.
Kobby Kyei, as part of giving back to society, supports great initiatives and helps educate the youth.
In his latest escapade, he takes up the challenge with the Corp Nation Foundation, a not- for-profit-based development organization, to help educate the youth on a program dubbed the 4R Initiative, which is a solid waste management program that aims at promoting the reduction, reuse, recycling, and recovery of waste globally to build a sound material-cycle society through the effective use of resources and materials.
Author: Kelvin Kofi Danso