Takoradi MP’s community engagement train stops at Amenful West

The Member of Parliament for Takoradi Constituency and Western Regional Minister, Kobby Okyere Darko-Mensah has engaged residents of Amenful West in a bid to address their myriad of challenges and concerns.
Touching on the reason behind the series of community engagements he has embarked upon in the region, Honorable Okyere Darko-Mensah said the idea is to address the residents of the region on the pertinent issues they are faced with and find solutions to them.
“The whole idea is to address them on local issues, national issues, and personal issues, so that we can find solutions to some of the problems they are facing. I have been doing this since I became a Member of Parliament. We just decided to do it a little bigger to see other cross-cutting issues across the areas.”
“The other idea is to bring government programs and issues to them, tell them what is happening in parliament and explain to them issues about the economy for them to have better understanding of the happenings in the country”, he explained.
The 4-time Member of Parliament for Takoradi Constituency further hinted of an engagement with the media to discuss pertinent issues faced by the region.
“After this, we will design a new program. But I believe that we might do a press soiree with the media and discuss some pertinent issues…we have a lot we need to achieve for the people of the Western Region.”
The MP responded to multifarious questions about the stalled Takoradi interchange project, road projects, hospital projects, amongst others.
The community engagement at Amenful West becomes the 14th out of 15 community engagements organized by the Regional Minister in the Western Region.