Australia: Women-only museum plans to convert lounge into toilet to keep men out

A museum in Australia is battling to maintain its women-only exhibit after a court mandated that men be granted entry under anti-discrimination laws.
Tasmania’s Museum of Old and New Art is appealing the ruling, asserting that it took “too narrow a view on women’s historical and ongoing societal disadvantage” and how the Ladies Lounge can “promote equal opportunity.”
The court’s order in April followed a gender discrimination lawsuit from New South Wales resident Jason Lau, who was refused entry into the lounge.
Kirsha Kaechele, the artist behind the lounge, intends to contest the ruling by adapting the space to comply with regulations.
Kaechele plans to convert the velvet-clad lounge into a women’s toilet and a church to maintain its women-only status under legal exemptions.
She stated, “There is a fabulous toilet coming to the Ladies Lounge, and so in that sense the Ladies Lounge will operate as a ladies’ room.”
Some prized artworks, including those by Picasso, will be relocated to the toilet to ensure “uninterrupted viewing” while seeking further exemptions.

Additionally, men would only be permitted into the space on Sundays for lessons in ironing and laundry folding, according to Kaechele.
“Women can bring in all their clean laundry and the men can go through a series of graceful movements (designed by a Rinpoche and refined by tai chi masters) to fold them,” she explained.
Kaechele views Lau’s lawsuit as an opportunity for growth, stating, “Thanks to the ruling, we have no choice but to open ourselves to a whole range of enriching experiences – spiritual, educational… to discover fascinating new possibilities, and to become better.”
She has expressed willingness to take the case to the Supreme Court if necessary, viewing it as a realization of her artwork.