God Is Our Light Rhema International Church Proceeds To The Next Level After Beating Christian Faith Church International In Beach FM’s Radio Bible Quiz

After 3 keen rounds of questions for the contestants of Beach FM’s Word for Word Bible Quiz, God is Our Light Rhema Church International carried the day with 55 points leaving Christian Faith Church International with 51 points.
This program was held yesterday, April 16, 2023, at the premises of Focus 1 Media.

Contestants from the two sides were poised for the competition.
The contestants shared their experiences of the event and described it as an interesting one where Christians can expand and build their faith in God.

Some members of the various churches also shared some experiences from the quiz.
“I’m disappointed because we lost to God is our Light Rhema Church International. We hope that next time we make amends”
“It went well because we won. Even though I was feeling uneasy, now Im happy because we won”
Word for Word is a Christian Bible Quiz that seeks to put churches in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis in a “holy” battle of the utmost supremacy in the Word of God.
The next set of competitors would be between Latter Rain Family Chapel and Grace Pentecostal Church, AG, this Sunday, April 23, 2023.