FIPAG apologises for actor Yaw Dabo’s ‘lazy people watch movies’ comment

The Film Producers Association of Ghana (FIPAG) has rendered an apology on behalf of Ghanaian actor Yaw Dabo over a statement he recently made.
The actor said in an interview that only lazy people spend longer hours in watching movies.
“Where the world is going now, everything is about money. So anyone who will sit for an hour to watch a movie is a lazy person,” he told radio personality Saddick Adams in an interview.
Yaw Dabo received a lot of flak after making the statement. Some have argued that it is an insult for an actor to say that to people who watch his movies to support his livelihood. For many people, his comment is one that can draw back the Ghanaian film industry which is already struggling to gain foothold
FIPAG renders apology for Yaw Dabo's “lazy people watch movies” comment.

Originally tweeted by Kofi Hayford (@kofihayford233) on February 1, 2023.
In a press statement signed by the President of FIPAG, James Aboagye, the association has described Yaw’s comment as “very unsavory, offensive and insult[ing].”
They say “such a behaviour or attitude is an affront to the film industry and should not be entertained and supported by any well-mannered person.”
The diminutive actor is known for his roles in movies such as ‘It’s All about Love’, ‘Megye Wo Girl’, ‘Awarie Ben Nie’, among others.