

Families of the Takoradi kidnapped girls are calling for the resignation of some top-ranking officials of Ghana’s security apparatus after the missing girls were confirmed dead on Monday evening.

The families are demanding the resignation of the CID boss, Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah, the Interior Minister, Ambrose Dery, and the National Security Minister, Albert Kan-Dapaah.

According to the spokesperson for the families, Mr. Micheal Grant Hayford, they are suspecting a foul play on the part of the Police following the release of the results confirming the DNA of the 4 kidnapped girls.

He also questioned the rationale behind the time the Police decided to release the report.

He subsequently added that a press conference will be held tomorrow to appropriately address the issue.
“We are not going to accept it. What the Police are saying is totally bogus and we are not going to accept it. If they are saying so then it means that the CID boss, the interior Minister and the National Security Minister have to step down before we go mad. At this time? Look at the time you are bringing the report. Don’t you know that it can kill someone? Tomorrow morning there will be a press conference and after that they will hear from us,” Mr. Micheal Grant Hayford said.

The Ghana Police service on Monday revealed that the DNA test carried out on the human parts found in the vicinity of the suspected kidnapper’s home tested positive to the DNA of the four missing girls.

The confirmation was made by the acting Inspector General of Police, James Oppong Boanuh.

The acting IGP of police also disclosed that the families of the four girls have been informed by the Police.

“Officers of the Ghana Police service informed four families in Takoradi in the Western Region of Ghana that DNA test conducted on some human remains discovered into the course of police investigations into the disappearance the four missing girls have turned positive, as the remains of the girls.

The Ghana Police service has with regret informed the families that the DNA test confirmed the remains to be that of Ruth Abakah, Priscilla Kuranchie, Ruth Love Quayson, Priscilla Blessing Bentum.”
“Investigations now establish that the girls were victims of a serial kidnapping and murdering syndicate that operated in the Takoradi area.” The acting IGP said.

Last month, the Police investigating the three Takoradi kidnapped girls case claimed to have retrieved human parts from a sewage system behind the house of the accused suspect, Sam Udoetuk Wills who lived at Kansaworodo in Takoradi.
Sam Udoetuk Wills was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for escaping from cells in December 2018 following his arrest.
Over the period, residents in the Takoradi Sekondi-metropolis have voiced concern over the pace of the investigations.
Some groups held protests and also petitioned the President and the Sekondi Regional Coordinating Council over the case.

The girls; Ruth Quayson, Priscilla Blessing Bentum and Priscilla Koranchie, are said to have been kidnapped between August 2018 and January 2019.

Aside from the main suspect, some other arrests have been made in the course of the investigations.
But these arrests did not result in any substantive leads.


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