
NPP outlines procedures for January 27 parliamentary primaries


The National Secretariat of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has released guidelines governing the parliamentary primaries set for Saturday, January 27, 2024.

The party, in a press statement dated January 22, 2024, emphasized that these protocols aim to ensure the fairness and integrity of the electoral process.

The announcement outlined that each constituency nationwide would have one voting center. However, in constituencies with numerous delegates, the Electoral Commission (EC) might establish additional polling stations at the center to facilitate a swift process.

The party urged all stakeholders to adhere to these provisions to guarantee a seamless and transparent process.

The statement highlighted that the EC would oversee the elections, bearing the responsibility for ensuring a transparent, free, and fair election.

It explicitly stated that no individual, whether a government appointee, party official, or otherwise, should act contrary to the guidelines provided by the Electoral Commission.

Regarding security, the statement clarified that the Ghana Police Service would exclusively handle security activities.

Access beyond security perimeters would be restricted to delegates, individuals appointed by the National Secretariat and Region as election supervisors, contestants, and their accredited agents.


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