
W/R: Ghana Health Service To Embark On 5 Day Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign

Ghana Health Service

To improve the coverage of the COVID-19 vaccination in the Western Region, the Public Health Service of the Ghana Health Service (GHS) with support from USAID and JSI Global Vast Project is set to undertake a COVID-19 campaign.

The campaign is slated to begin on Thursday, December 1 through to Monday, December 5, 2022.

Speaking at a media engagement, the Deputy Regional Director of Public Health, Dr. Gifty Amugi noted that the COVId-19 virus still lingers and there’s a need for the populace to get vaccinated to help curb the spread of the virus.

She said, the region continues to lag in terms of vaccination, adding that her outfit needs about 70 percent of the eligible population to be fully vaccinated.

She said, although there is no active case in the region, there’s the need to stay safe.

Dr. Amigo mentioned from April 2020 since the region recorded its first active case to yesterday November 28, there has been 8, 807 recorded cases .

She said, Sekondi-Takoradi has the worst issues with regards to COVID-19 saying aside Shama and Tarkwa which has over 50 percent of the population fully vaccinated, the rest of the district have less which is not helping in achieving herd immunity.

According to her, 96, 422 representing 55.7 percent of the eligible population are yet to receive their first dose. 44.3 percent have received just the first dose and 30 . 6 percent fully vaccinated.

Dr. Amugi mentioned hesitancy and vaccination fatigue as major challenges urged eligible population to avail themselves to be vaccinated especially as the Yuletide approaches to avoid a surge.

She stressed that people can easily get vaccinated regardless of whether they have eaten or not saying it won’t have any effect on the individual.


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