The Myth of Losing Weight Through Starvation

A lot of people believe that a “starvation” diet is a good way to lose weight. Being often misconstrued with dieting, starvation involves withholding food completely or eating very few calories over an extended period while dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated manner to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight, is frequently misunderstood as Research shows that, while starving yourself may result in short-term weight loss, the practice can have detrimental effects on your health in the long run.
Your body needs to be in a calorie deficit in order to lose weight, which means either burning more calories through exercise or eating fewer calories.However, a larger calorie deficit does not always guarantee weight loss and weight maintenance.

Losing Weight
Also according to research, starvation diets are NOT a healthy or a sustainable way to lose weight.While it may be tempting to deprive yourself of food, your body will suffer. After prolonged starvation, your body may not function properly and your mental health may even decline.
Even more troubling, your body’s mechanisms for survival may adapt to severe calorie deficits if you starve yourself. In the beginning, your intended weight loss plan may be disrupted by this.
Depending on the severity of the starvation, bodily functions may run down as it could be harder for your immune system to fight off illness and infection. You may also experience stomach discomfort, irregular or increased hunger and you might become weaker.
Although you may initially lose weight quickly, your body will work hard to restore your weight and health as quickly as possible because it needs enough calories to function properly.

If you want to lose weight, moderation is the best approach you can take. Eating well and not completely giving up food is the best way to go.
“An outdated idea is to starve yourself and cut back on calories but it is important to know that nothing will just happen overnight. Everything good takes time!” according to a dietitian in Spring Hill. Our bodies are not designed for fasting and not eating enough calories, therefore to lose weight, all you need to do is take baby steps.
Changes that are simple to keep up with and are good for your health could be some minor adjustments you can add to your usual way of life.
Some examples includes reducing the amount of sugar you take ,including fruits and vegetables in your meals, adding a daily routine of exercises and reducing or stopping alcohol intake.
You will need to change your approach since starving yourself won’t help you lose weight quickly.

-Losing Weight
Author-Roberta Appiah