A Registered Clinical, Frank Ayimadu Dietician at the Greater Accra Regional Hospital, claims that washing eggs before storing them in the refrigerator is harmful.
According to him, the risk of bacteria getting inside the egg after washing it is very high.
“…Eggs have shells and these shells have tiny pores…once you wash them, there are chances that you introduce, if there is any bacteria around the shell, it can enter the pores and then enter the eggs” he said.
Mr Ayimadu was speaking to the media, on some of the myth and facts of eggs.
He revealed that the best way to clean an egg is by dry cleaning.
“Not necessarily washing it, you can do dry cleaning. So you can use a napkin, not soaking but then a little splash of water and then you cleanse it, it’s possible. You do dry cleaning. You see, the dirt is something you need to take off and once you cook, it safer…” he added.
The registered Dietician indicated that eggs are nutritious and should be incorporated into meals.