
21 PWDs in EKMA Receive Support

The Municipal Chief Executive for the Effia Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly (EKMA) Kojo Acquah has presented equipment to some 21 Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) in the Municipality to support their business operations.

This action is to discourage PWDs from begging along the streets of EKMA.

According to the MCE, the government has been supporting PWDs with working tools to help generate income for themselves.

The items included deep freezers, standing and hanging driers, tonging and pedicure machines, bags of rice, gallons of oil, assorted materials as well as assorted provisions amongst others.

Some of the beneficiaries also received cheques to settle some school fees.

MCE Acquah explained that previously the monies were disbursed to beneficiaries in cash , however, that did not help since the PWDs returned to the street after some time.

He advised the beneficiaries to make absolute use of the items to generate income for their daily expenses.

The Municipal Director of the Department of Social Welfare, Florence Owusua Parry noted that it is the ninth time the Assembly is supporting the PWDs.

She said the monitoring exercise conducted by the department revealed that some of the beneficiaries were not using the items to empower themselves.

Madam Florence charged them to put the items to good use to enhance themselves.


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