
It’s Time To Crack The Whip – Security Analyst

Security Analyst, Richard Kumadoe, has described the recent ranking released by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) and Afro barometer which perceived the Ghana Police Service as the most corrupt institution in the country as worrying.

He says the impact of such a report on the public is indicting which brings about poor interpersonal relationships with the security agencies.

He also mentions that there is a low level of productivity where people find it frustrating to access services rendered in some public institutions like the Passport Office where applicants pay monies behind closed doors to get served.

Mr Kumadoe, however, noted that it was time to crack the whip to ensure proper conduct is exhibited amongst officers. He called on leadership of the various security to be apt to their task.

He further said it is a dent on the image of the Police Service especially when the country has launched a campaign against terrorism.


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