
Festive seasons are always a peak money season – A local surf instructor

Surfing in Ghana

Surfing is a sport that originated in Polynesia and fast advanced in Hawaii, since then the sport has travelled through the global domain and made waves even as a competitive one.

The sport which is believed to have a lot of societal and spiritual meaning to its people, making it vastly important to their culture has become an international sport and appreciated by a vast majority all over the world.

Ghana is not an exception, in Busua, a town in the western region, Justice Brothers surf club among several others have dedicated their lives to teach the sport.

According to Ebenezer Arthur, a local surf instructor who has been teaching surfing for 7 years, he says most Ghanaians show little or no interest in the sport for fear of losing their lives and superstitious believes.

Surfing in Ghana

He laments on how challenging that is for him and the business entirely.
He stated while speaking exclusively to business daily ‘’ it takes a lot of convincing to get the Ghanaians to get into the ocean, even the locals that live in the coastal area”.

He added that due to this, the company, Justice Surf club which is run by six members makes little to nothing from the locals visiting the vicinity. However, the Surf instructor says festive seasons such Christmas and locally organized festivals are always peak money season because foreigners patronize their services more.

As daunting as this may seem to the pockets of the company the six member brother club claim the main aim of running the service is primarily to train young adult in the community especially females to indulge in the sport.


The surf instructor popularly identified as thunder also expressed disappointment for not having support from the government and not able to compete on the international front regardless of their talent.

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