About 20 unemployed Graduates are expected to go through a 6 months of skills training and 2 months of businsss incubation with support from Cirilo Enterprise Consult dubbed Skills and Entreprenuership Development Program for Unemployed Graduates (SEDUG ).
According to the CEO of Cirilo Enterprise Consult, Alice Ama Darko, the Purpose of this intervention is to give unemployed graduates skills and entrepreneurship capabilities to enable them set up and run their own businesses and get a livelihood.

This first cohort is going to receive training in various trade areas such as fashion, shoe manufacture, web design, mobile App development, solar systems installation and Agricultural production/ Agribusiness.
” The purpose of this program is to provide entrepreneurial skills for unemployment graduate to enable them acquire skills and set up their own businesses. They will be trained in various fields such as fashion designing , shoe manufacturer, solar system installation and amongst others.
They would also go into incubation where we will support them to set up their businesses and get it registered,” she said.
However a participant has been sharing her experience with Business daily.
” I developed interest in web because I was doing a bit of product designing on app which is the mobile application. With this orientation, I have learnt a lot, there are failures and challenges but with determination it can be achieved,” she stated.