Sek/Tadi: Residents Share Thought On Consumption Of Milk

World Milk Day 2022 is celebrated annually on June 1. It commemorates the successful campaign to promote milk as a healthy beverage. It was established by the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in 2001.
Milk is one of the most important foods for humans. It is essential for children, adults, and the elderly. around the world 1 billion people do not have access to enough milk, because it is an expensive commodity.
The theme for World Milk Day 2022 is to draw the world’s attention to the climate change crisis and highlight how the dairy industry could minimalise its impact on the planet. The focus is on achieving a ‘Dairy Net Zero’ by cutting down the greenhouse gas emission of the industry over the next 30 years.
Beach Newsroom has been speaking to some residents of Effia-Kwesimintsim on how often they drink milk, the best time of day they drink milk and how they store it.
” I take milk almost every morning with my beverage “
“For me, I take milk each and every morning”
” I take milk everyday, I make it part of my breakfast because of its nutritional value and the taste it gives to my breakfast”.
Some of them said, they don’t take milk due to a particular condition.
” I don’t take milk because way back, I was diagnosed with fractural appendix.”