The baking industry has prevailed as vital in our everyday life and almost an inevitable commodity consumed for all occasions.
Cakes which serve a multi-functional purpose for consumers have gone beyond the mere purpose of food consumption to create a symbol of art.
Cakes today, are motivated by the artistic designs based on a person’s profession, personality, influence and even vision for the even according a small scale baker.
Speaking to business daily a small scale business bakery owner shares her insight on what motivates her artistry.
“As a small scale business baking owner running online. I get client based on recommendations. My buisenss a startup is doing quite well. Making a cake is an art, I devise motivation from their profession, a make up artist for instance may get a cake with make up tools,” she said.
The challenges are enormous, one has to do with delivery of the cakes to my clients. Sometimes, the delivery guys would dent the cake.
It makes it unappealing to my clients.