The outgoing Chief Executive Officer of the Lower Pra Rural Bank, Mr. Isaac Kwamina Afful, says, discipline has been the hallmark of the bank’s sustenance and growth in serving the needs of its customers.
At the 36th Annual General Meeting at Shama, Mr. Kwamina Afful attributed the collapse of most banks to, indiscipline and advised the management to manage the loan portfolio of its customers.
He stated that it is not surprising that Lower Pra has become one of the best rural banks in the country.
Mr. Afful envisions that the bank will assume the position of a commercial bank.

” My advice is that Management must maintain the discipline that has characterised this bank to ensure the sustenance and the growth of this bank.
You must discipline the staff without fear or favour. Discipline has become the hallmark of Lower Pra. It is therefore not surprising that Lower Pra has become one of the best rural banks in the country.
There is no institution that can survive under the evil of indiscipline.”
” The Bank has become an enviable place to work at, with a good corporate image in Western Region and the country at large”

Lower Pra Rural Bank PLC, formerly known as Esseman Rural Bank Limited, was incorporated in January 1983 and licenced to operate the business of banking on August 31, 1983, as the 66th RCB in Ghana. The bank’s three promoters were Dr. E.N. Tackie-Otoo, Joh Kukubebi and V.K Enskson, all of blessed memory.
From a bank staff strength of four, it currently has 508 staff with 13 branches and six mobilisation centres crisscrossing the length and breadth of the Western Region.