EKMA Procures Decibel Sound Meter To Monitor Noise Pollution

The Municipal Chief Executive Officer of Effia Kwesiminstim Municipal Assembly (EKMA), Hon Kojo Aquah has announced that the assembly has secured noise decibel equipment aimed at checking noise pollution within the Assembly.
The move comes in the wake of numerous reports the Assembly has received concerning sound pollution through the use of sounds by individuals, Churches, Institutions, Spinners, and more which continue to have a negative impact on the general public.
EKMA Procures Decibel Sound Meter To Monitor Noise Pollution
Speaking at a Town Hall meeting yesterday at Assemblies of God Church, Anaji, the MCE cautioned institutions, organizations, and individuals to check their sound levels in all they do since the Assembly will not spare anyone who goes beyond official limit.
“Noise pollution, we have procured a sound disable device that will check noise-making, if you are making noise whether a church, organization or institution and it’s beyond the permitted range, you will be sanctioned”.
He added that the environment and sanitation department of the Assembly is expected to implement the project as soon as possible.
The Municipal and Environmental Health Analyst, Samuel A Egyarko also explained that prosecution at court for sound pollution with objective evidence has been a challenge which is why it has become necessary for the Assembly to procure such devices to scientifically measure noise levels above standard.
“Sometimes it is difficult to take people to court without a proper definition of what is noise pollution is therefore the decibel device will help us to determine those abusing it”.
Sound standard is expected to be set for residential Commercial, Church, and many other stakeholders in the municipality to control noise pollution.
Noise pollution is a serious threat to the quality of man’s environment. Noise, by definition, is over-loud or disturbing sound. Sound levels are measured in decibels(DB)