Intensify the Use of Ghanaian Languages in Teaching and Learning – GES Urged

A Dean at the Center for Language and Liberal Studies at the Takoradi Technical University (TTU), Dr. Ramos Asafo – Adjei has urged the Ghana Education Service (GES) to intensify the use of Ghanaian Language in teaching and learning in schools across the country.
This call comes on the back of this year’s celebration of the International Mother Tongue Day themed; “Using technology for multilingual learning: Challenges and opportunities.”
The celebration recognizes that languages and multilingualism can advance inclusion, and the Sustainable Development Goals focus on leaving no one behind.
UNESCO believes education, based on the first language or mother tongue, must begin from the early years as early childhood care and education is the foundation of learning.
Technology has the potential to address some of the greatest challenges in education today. It can accelerate efforts towards ensuring equitable and inclusive lifelong learning opportunities for all if it is guided by the core principles of inclusion and equity.
Multilingual education based on mother tongue is a key component of inclusion in education.
In an interview with Spice 91.9FM Dr Adjei mentioned that students are able to comprehend and communicate better when in their mother tongue. This, he said makes it easier for children to better appreciate things around them.
He however stressed that using the local language in teaching makes students to grasp the understanding of subject areas.
“A research conducted in Nigeria reveals that school going children are able to get a better and clearer concept of whatever they were taught using the local language. Mathematics, English and other subjects were taught in the local language,” he cited.
Ramos Safo Adjei mentioned that it is a misconception to think that English language can be equated to intelligence. He attributed the timidity on the part of students to the speaking of English at the expense of the local language.
He further advised parents to never leave their children behind but inculcate in them the habit of speaking the local languages to help boost their confidence in communication.
“Parents can allow their children to speak the English Language but they should not forget about their local language either. Helping the children to speak the local language at home would be of help to them “he indicated.