
Evangelist Exhumes Mother’s Body To Prove The Power of God’s

Evangelist Elijah Nyame, the man of God at the centre of the exhumed story in Nyameyiekrom, a farming community in the Ahanta West Municipality, has justified why he embarked on such an act.

According to him, God has spoken to him on several occasions to resurrect the dead mother but the people in his community refused to give him such an opportunity to do so.

“Someone died a year ago, and I went to tell them that they should allow me to resurrect him because God told me that he is not dead. But they refused. But God told me he wants to make them know that he and I are not liars. So I have the power to resurrect my mother, and it is not only my mother that I will resurrect. There are thousands that I will resurrect after my mother”, he stated.

He says he got the direction from God to do what he was doing, a reason why he has gone to bring the dead mother from the cemetery to resurrect her.

According to him, he has been preaching from his infancy till now and has built that relationship with God such that God wants to use him to do miracles starting with the mother. “He has given me several orders in the past, but people did not listen to me, so He wants me to start with my mother”.

Responding to why people should believe him when he has failed to do so in the past, Evangelist Elijah said that could not happen because people have refused to have faith in what God can do.

“Look, when they said they won’t allow me to resurrect the boy, God said I should insist. The person whom they said is dead, had a warm body; and he was moving his eyes. How can that happen? So I knew I could resurrect him but the family said no,” he said.

He revealed that by following up on God’s guidance, his father who has been sick for some time now has been healed after he exhumed the mother.

“God told me that if I won’t go and exhume my mother, then she will kill my father. Just when I brought my mother’s body from the cemetery, my father who has been seriously ill for two weeks now, has gotten up from the bed and even made his way to the farm. Ask everyone here,” he said.

According to him, God will cause his mother to come back to life in His own appointed time saying, “Yes my mother has not resurrected, but God has given me a direction and I will do it the way He has asked me to. He says I should be cleaning the bones continuously and in His appointed time, he will resurrect her.”

He threatened that anyone in the community can report him to the police but those who will do that will die immediately after he comes back from prison.

“Let the police come and arrest me, if I come back anyone who informed the police will also die. Everyone should take a picture of it to Facebook, WhatsApp and to where God wants it to go. If you don’t believe Elijah, ask those who come to me, what have they been expecting from God that has not been done. I am proving to you the power of God. If you are here, God is saying you should change your ways but not the ways of the gods. You believe in gods but not in the Almighty God.

He picked some materials in the coffin and said, some of you will buy dress and bread to put into the coffin of a deceased yet you live others to go angry.

News Desk


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