
Skills Training Not For The “Dumb” – NVTI Commissioner

Mr John Ocran, Commissioner for Testing at the National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) has reiterated that skills training was not for the “dumb”.

Against this background, he therefore urged the public to do away with such wrongful perceptions.

He said, “research rather suggests the opposite as one must be very sharp-minded to learn a skill”.

Mr Ocran made the statement during the official closing ceremony and award of certificates to more than four-hundred (400) master craft men and women who have undergone four-days intensive training to sharpen their skills in their areas of trade.

The trade Masters studied entrepreneurship, health and safety, and code of ethics at a training programme organised by seasoned facilitators from the NVTI.

Dr. Dominic Eduah, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the GNPC Foundation announced that the training was part of the Foundation’s Economic Empowerment Initiative.

He therefore urged the beneficiaries to apply the knowledge acquired as they distinguished themselves in their areas of trade.

Source: News Desk


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