
COVID 19 Vaccination: EKMA Health Directorate to Begin Vaccination of Pregnant women from Wednesday, February 2

Madam Joyce K. Bagina

As part of efforts to nip the covid-19 pandemic in the bud, the Municipal Health Director for Effia Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly (EKMA) will from tomorrow Wednesday, February 2, 2022 begin vaccinating pregnant women and children in the Municipality.

The intended exercise was made known in a press briefing at the Municipal Health Directorate.

According to her, the vaccines would be available at health centers and vaccination posts in the neighborhood from Wednesday 2nd – Sunday 6th February, 2022 to vaccine all eligible persons aged 15years and above.

According to the Municipal Director of Health Joyce K. Bagina, pregnant women are now eligible to receive Moderna or Pfizer vaccines.

She mentioned that Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson, are given to 18 year olds and above, whiles Pfizer is for 15 years olds and above.

Madam Joyce again stated that 22 thousand doses are expected to be given to people in the Municipality to curb the spread of the virus.

She said at the moment over 76 thousand people have been vaccinated whiles 69 people have had the booster, and 23 thousand having received the second jab.

“The intention is to vaccinate over 22 thousand people within the stipulated period. We would have two days for mop up. The exercise would continue after the campaign. Our aim is to get about 50 percent of the populace being vaccinated,” she stated.

Health Personnel undergoing training ahead of vaccination.

She added that, Ghana has not achieved the expected number of immunized persons and so needs to resort to this campaign to attain the 90 percent of fully vaccinated people.

She said, the introduction of the booster is to provide strong immunity for those who have already taken the two shots to further boost their immune system against the virus.

“The booster is to provide additional protection to those who have taken the two shots. I want to say that the booster is effective and efficient, tried and tested by the Food and Drugs Authority. No one should be scared of getting vaccinated,” she said.

According to Madam Bagina the new policy guidelines of Ghana Health Service states that, boosters can be administered to persons who have taken their second jab from three months and above.

Madam Joyce Bagina admitted the difficulty of the task but assured that with the right plans and strategies in place, the exercise would be a smooth one.

She again encouraged people to avail themselves to be part of the exercise and take advantage to get vaccinated.

She however pleaded with residents to cooperate with health personnel who comes to their homes to vaccinate them, adding that people continue to observe all the safety protocols associated with covid19 and report any side effects with regards to the vaccine.


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